Tonight we have a group of 24 people arriving from PNG. The group leaders for this mission team are our good friends Kevin and Numa Neuendorf who used to live here in Vanuatu (working with the ANZ Bank) from 2006 to 2009, but are now based back in PNG again. They have brought a team of young people from their Church in Port Moresby and in the coming two weeks will be partnering with Scripture Union Vanuatu to visit High Schools and churches and share a Christian message about God’s plan for relationships. It will be great to have their Christian young people to come and testify and encourage their Melanesian peers here. As a part of this team visit we will have a camp next weekend at the SU Campsite for young people from the High Schools and Youth Groups in Vila to discuss more about relationships and Christian living. Please pray for a good camp – that the youth will hear about it and come, that the multi-cultural dynamics will work well (PNG, Vanuatu and Aussies), and that the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of the young people.
Then tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, there is another Scripture Union group from SU NSW who are arriving for a week of ministry, mostly in Primary Schools and community settings. There are 9 in this group, and we look forward to partnering with them also.
The SU Coordinator, Albea, and the Chairman of the National Council here in Vila, have just returned on Wednesday night from a brief visit to the Northern Islands to encourage the fledgling SU work there, and so this is a very busy time of year for Albea too. Please pray for Albea as he will be very busy coordinating these two visiting groups over the next two weeks.
School continues to go well for the boys. They are both working well, and getting good results, but the home based nature of their Distance Education does mean that it is fairly time consuming for us each day. However ministry resource development continues on amongst all these other things. At the moment we have a small ‘reading and checking group’ who are proof reading the draft of a Bislama version of Pilgrim’s Progress which we hope to have published and printed before too long.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. We look forward to getting back to you soon with the outcomes (and some pictures) from this busy season of the year for SU Vanuatu.
Lots of love from the four of us.