Ben's page

Hey People!

Ok, so Dad tells me I have to put something up on this page, seeing it's a dedicated 'Ben's Page'.  Lacking inspiration, I have no idea what I'm going to write, so I'm just going to ramble on a bit about myself :)

So, I'm guessing most of you are just so curious as to who I am (not),
so I'm going to tell you a bit about myself.
Basically, I'm just your average 15-year-old Joe with a different name :)  I live in Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific ocean.
Now you're thinking, "Oh wow, he must be living the dream over there!  Surfing, chilling on the beach with a coconut in hand . . ."
Well, not quite.  Firstly, I DO have go to school.  Keeps me tied down to earth a bit :)

This is a picture of me doing school, just in case you happen to be interested.
No, I'm not isolated in the naughty corner of the classroom, this is the corner of my bedroom.  I do this thing called distance education, which allows me to attend school wherever I am, as long as I have an internet connection.  All of my schoolwork is put on a website online by my teachers in Adelaide, where I download it, complete my assignments and upload them back up the site where my teachers can mark them.  It's good when I have a good internet connection; but when I don't, it's just a big hassle.  The book in the photo is one of the only two books I have in school, all the rest of it I do on my netbook computer.

My parents work with an awesome group called Scripture Union.  I'm not going to detail it all here, as you can find out more about their work elsewhere on this site.  I have a bit to do with what they do too.  I enjoy graphic design and love just mucking around on Photoshop.  I have made a few of the covers for the books that Mum and Dad write.  Here are a couple of my more recent book covers . . .

I also have a passion for photography.  I have made few into posters with Bible verses on them and sold them, all proceeds to Scripture Union Vanuatu.  The money I have raised with that project has funded the purchase of a lawn mower for the purpose of keeping the vast fields of the Scripture Union campsite in Vanuatu in check, and a Yamaha Public Address system for use in schools, etc.  These original posters I first made when I was 12.  I am presently working on producing some more, hopefully of a higher calibre and quality than the first ones.  The first ones you can see under the 'Posters' tab above.

Well, thus ends my ramble.
Hope you gained a little bit of insight into my life in Vanuatu.
