
Hi everyone!  Well, the Paschke family have taken the plunge into being part of the world techno on-line community. You may find that from time to time we put up some news or updates on one or other of these blog pages. We'll see how we go anyway.  Got to find the balance between living the life and reporting the life!

You'll notice that there are some different tabs that the boys have created as part of this blog site.  Here we hope to put up some:

1. Home.  Latest happenings.
2. Welcome.  The page that you are reading now! 
3. Newsletters.  This is where you can read the latest (as well as some of the more recent editions) of Paskis' Postcard, which is the newsletter that we have created from way back when Adam was a boy.  Well, back to about 1994 anyway.  Sorry, the real early editions are no longer available -- the parchment has deteriorated a little too much. 
4. Ponderings.  Some of Jon's rambling theological reflections from things that happen as we do life.
5. SU Vanuatu.  Some of the latest news and happenings from among the Scripture Union Vanuatu Community.
6. Ben's Page.  Compiled by Ben, when he gets around to it.
7. Joel's Page.  Compiled by Joel.  News from his bedroom window, wherever that happens to be at the time!
8. Posters.  A sample of Ben's photographic posters, available for sale.
9. Contact us.  You might be able to get in touch with us via one of these means.

Anyway.  Lukim yufala (see you guys later -- as we say in Vanuatu). 

Jon, Lyndell, Ben & Joel.