Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back home !

It is so nice to be back with my noisy and energetic family again after two days in the confines of a hospital room.  We are thankful for the health system here in Australia, which is very thorough, and we are praying that the medicine they gave me against malaria will be effective in killing off every trace of the parasites which they found in my blood.  Although I wasn't constantly unwell with the malaria (just having bouts of high fevers and shakes/chills every second day) it seems that the lab technicicans found both vivax and falciparum strains of malaria in my blood, so they were keen to grab me and keep me in the ward until treatment was found to be effective.

But I am glad to report that I am home again now, with the family, at Jon's mum's place in Mt Barker, and enjoying catching up with the daily events of our family.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for us all, and we ask that you pray with us that we would be able to iron out all the health issues before we head back to Vanuatu in March.

 Love, Lyndell